You & I was born out of a genuine hope that through the telling of our most vulnerable stories, we empower each other with the bravery woven in them, too.

It’s through sharing that we know, in the moments where it matters so much, that we are not alone.

Building off of the success of her hit advice column Ask JKE, and her best-selling memoir The Measure of My Powers, Jackie Kai Ellis began You & I to create a space to tell our vulnerable and powerful stories.

“The more I pondered on the questions being asked, related my own stories, and with every time I spoke to the person next to me at an airport bar, or at the supermarket queue, it became so clear that, really, we are all struggling with the same things: love, loss, yearning, yearning for hope, for identity, to be understood and comforted in the grey areas of life.

It was clear that we ALL have so much wisdom to give. Whether it’s a new perspective, a clever solution, or empathy. I do feel that sharing these vulnerable stories makes us stronger, knowing that we are all in it together.”

You & I is a space for stories, like mirrors, that reflect us all. Questions that we have all wondered in wee hours. Stories that, when shared, inspire us with their honesty, bravery. And through the shared wisdom of the community around us, we come away knowing the most powerful idea, that we are not alone, you & I.